2nd March 2025 · 2 Ramadan 1446
JUM'A 12:30 & 13:15 · PRAYER TIMES



Pictures & posts may gain a thousand likes, but nothing quite captures Cambridge Central Mosque like experiencing it for yourself. Whether you visit alone or with others, whether you are local or just passing by, and regardless of background or faith, we welcome you all.

Our guided tours take you from the hustle and bustle of the world famous Mill Road on a transformative voyage… Starting at our gardens, we journey through its trees, flower beds and fountain. We then pass through the portico and atrium, via our ablution areas, cleansed and ready to enter the grand prayer hall: an oasis of calm, and the perfect space for spiritual contemplation and connection with the unseen.

Whilst marvelling at the award winning architecture, we explore the evolution of this eco-friendly project and furnish you with an appreciation of the concepts behind the craftsmanship that define this incredible space.

Each of our guides has a unique story to tell, and after your guided tour, so will you.

General Public
Guided Tours

Guided tours for the general public – as individuals or groups of families & friends up to 9 people – are available on weekend mornings at 11:30am. If tickets are unavailable, please check back at the end of the month for release of new dates for the following month.

Guided Tours

If you and your family & friends are planning to come as a group 10 or larger, or if you represent an organisation – a school, university or local community group – use the link below to request a guided tour. After submitting your request, await final confirmation of your booking via email.

Tickets are free but we rely on your generous donations to continue to serve our community.


There is a bus stop and layby immediately outside the mosque on Mill Road for dropping off and picking up passengers. Although we have a carpark, it is not tall enough to accommodate a coach and so coaches would need to drive to alternative parking areas whilst the tour takes place.

Free parking for up to 76 cars is available in the mosque underground car park on a first come, first served basis. If your tour is in the morning then generally spaces will be available.

The mosque has underground parking for cars and motorbikes (76 spaces), accessed via the ramp on Mill Road. There are disabled parking spaces and an electric charging point. However, where possible we encourage our visitors to arrive by bus, bike or on foot to reduce their carbon footprint. The bus stop is directly outside the mosque and bike racks are provided in the front and rear gardens and in the car park.

Children of all ages are welcome. However we do ask that they are supervised at all times.

Out of respect for this place of worship, adult visitors are requested to observe modest dress that covers their arms and legs. Women will be asked to cover their heads before entering the prayer hall, so please bring a scarf with you. All visitors will be asked to remove their shoes at the entrance. If visitors are unable to remove their shoes for any reason, shoe covers can be provided.

The tour will start in the Islamic garden through to the entrance hall and adjoining rooms. The ‘Wudu’ or ablution areas will be visited before guests are taken through to the main prayer hall and gallery.

Tours generally last approximately 1 hour.

Sometimes Imam Sejad will be available however he is very busy with many commitments. If he is in the prayer hall then he will no doubt come and say hello.

If your tour is in the morning then there won’t be any worshippers in the mosque and so access to the male and female areas will be unrestricted. If at other times, it may be necessary to split male and female guests when visiting the ablution areas.

Yes however we ask that you do not take photos or videos of people praying.

Yes. All of the mosque apart from a small gallery area is wheelchair accessible. There is also a lift from the basement car park which can be used.

There is a cafeteria although this isn’t yet open. Should you wish, you can bring a packed lunch and eat it in the cafeteria or on the tables outside. There are also cafes nearby should you prefer to eat there.

We will let you know the name of your guide but you can always contact tours@cambridgecentralmosque.org should you need to let us know about any changes to your booking.