17th February 2025 · 18 Shabaan 1446
JUM'A 12:30 & 13:15 · PRAYER TIMES


Imam Ali Tos’ Departure

Imam Ali Tos’ Departure

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the departure of a true pillar of our community and a founding figure of Cambridge Central Mosque, our dear brother and teacher, Imam Ali Tos. This decision was not taken lightly by Imam Ali Tos and his family, who had hoped to remain in Cambridge for many years to come. However, due to unforeseen circumstances relating to family health issues, he has decided to move back to Turkey with his family on the 18th of February 2021.

Ever since his arrival in 2019 when the Mosque first opened, Imam Ali has been a tireless servant of this community. One of the many things Imam Ali will be remembered for was the way in which his voice touched the hearts and souls of all of those who visited Cambridge Central Mosque. Muslim or non-Muslim, our community has been truly blessed to have the opportunity to listen to Imam Ali’s majestic recital of the Qur’an as well as his breath-taking Adhans, the sounds of which will echo through our Mosque for many years to come.

With the unexpected arrival of the pandemic last year and the need for CCM to support the community during such difficult times, Imam Ali Tos has remained a true pillar of strength and support, providing physical and spiritual comfort to hundreds of people within our local community and beyond.

Whether through providing online Qur’an recitations to keep the community connected to the Mosque or providing online classes to children who were unable to physically attend. Imam Ali’s tireless and unwavering dedication was a bedrock of the Mosque’s efforts to remain connected to the community even through the numerous lockdowns since March last year.

Imam Ali will be sincerely missed by everyone connected with Cambridge Central Mosque. Those members of our community who have come to confide and seek counsel from Imam Ali will miss his wisdom and empathy. Those who have had the great fortune of working alongside him at the Mosque will miss his boundless energy, enthusiasm, and soft-hearted nature and those who had the blessing of studying under him will miss his knowledge, patience, and unwavering dedication to his students.

His family and their contributions to our community will also be greatly missed by all of us at the Mosque and we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to them for their company and wonderful assistance especially during these difficult times.

We pray that Imam Ali Tos has a safe trip back home and we pray that Allah Almighty showers him and his family with abundant blessings and constant success and joy in all their future endeavours. Ameen.