23rd February 2025 · 24 Shabaan 1446
JUM'A 12:30 & 13:15 · PRAYER TIMES


Coronavirus hasn’t gone away!

Coronavirus hasn’t gone away!


View Cambridge City’s latest COVID19 advice here.

Coronavirus hasn’t gone away – it is still very much part of our lives and is in our communities. So, we’re asking you to think about the actions that you take – both in work and in your free time – and how this might impact the people you care about.

We know that many businesses have really good safety measures and COVID-secure working practices in place to keep employees and customers as safe as possible.

But if you then don’t follow the guidance in your free time, you’re putting at risk all your work colleagues and others you encounter when at work – customers, care home residents, school children and others.

Please, follow the guidance. Stay 2m apart from those not part of your household or support bubble, wash your hands regularly and if you need to share transport take precautions such as wearing a face mask and having windows open.

We know it is difficult having to stop doing some of the things that you enjoy, but it can be these kinds of activities that make you more likely to catch coronavirus and to pass it on to friends, family and work colleagues.

Just think, could you live with yourself if you knew that you’d caused an outbreak at your workplace and that people were seriously ill because of you?

Please, think about how you act, not just at work, but at home and in your free time. You might just save someone’s life.

• Latest figures from Public Health England show that there has been a small increase in the number of positive Covid-19 cases in Cambridge in the last two weeks.

• The cases are linked to a specific number of households in different locations, who have all been contacted and are now self-isolating.

• We are working closely with the county council and public health colleagues to monitor the situation and contain any spread of cases.

• We are reminding people that Coronavirus is still present in the community and of the importance of continuing to follow public health guidelines. If we don’t more people will die and we risk a further lockdown.

• We can all help look out for our family, friends and neighbours and stop further spread of the virus by taking some simple steps.


Your household is made up of the people you permanently live with, plus anyone in your support bubble (a support bubble is another household with only one adult which can be considered an additional part of your household).

A maximum of two households can socialise together indoors.

Outdoors, groups of up to six people from different households can socialise together. Gatherings larger than six should only take place if everyone is from exclusively from up to two households or support bubbles.

You can only stay overnight with your household and one other household.


The symptoms of Coronavirus are a high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. If you have any of these symptoms you should get a test as soon as possible and should self-isolate immediately for at least 10 days (Phone 119 or visit www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test to book a test).

Social distancing

You should stay 2 metres apart from people apart from other members of your household where possible, or ‘1 metre plus’ – meaning at least 1 metre apart if you are also taking precautions such as wearing a face covering

Face coverings

You must wear a face covering in most indoor environments including:

• Public transport and transport hubs

• Shops and supermarkets

• Shopping centres

• Hair and beauty salons

• Entertainment and cultural venues

Car sharing

You should try not to share a vehicle with people outside your household or social bubble. If you do share, you should try to:

• Share with the same people each time

• Wear face coverings

• Open windows for ventilation

• Consider seating arrangements to maximise distance between people

Hand washing

You can reduce the risk of spreading infection by regularly washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, and by regularly using hand sanitiser.

Help and support is available

If you need to self-isolate, or have any concerns related to Coronavirus – such as financial difficulties, collecting groceries, or even walking your dog – support is available in your community. www.cambridge.gov.uk/coronavirus-ask-for-help